I'm just letting to those who still read my BOARDS OF ANCHORAGE comic that I will be taking a break from uploading pages for some time. I'm not sure how long I'll be on break from this for, but weeks probably. There are tons of concept art I STILL need to complete (that I HAVEN'T done before even starting the project, dear lord!) and since the next pages requires a concept for a very specific thing that's going to show up, I want to take time to design it with my best ideas possible.
22 pages though, that's equal the amount of pages compared to my old comic project from 2020-2021, except this time I pulled off the same result in just a year, in a more complex art style and nearly two dozens pictures of concept art that I made at the same time. I am very near the half-way point for this Part.
In the mean time, I will be working more on mentioned concept arts, and also drawing a little bit of Madness Art... yeah, I finally got to finish PN2 for once and it struck me with a fuck ton of ideas.
Spoilers: I am having Crackpot for Christmas.
Take as much time as you need.